Bio or Non-Bio: What is the difference, and which should I use?

Bio or Non-Bio: what is the difference, and which should I use? 

These are questions we are asked on a fairly regular basis. And the answer is a lot simpler than you’d think.

What is the difference between bio and non-bio?

Without getting too technical – biological, or ‘Bio’ detergents contain enzymes which act as a catalyst to break down proteins such as dirt, grease, sweat and other stains. Soiling is then easily lifted and rinsed off of the garments, making bio detergents excellent stain removers. The enzymes work best at around 40 degrees and start to ‘die off’ at hotter temperatures, so become less effective on hotter washes.

Non-biological (non-bio) detergents do not contain any enzymes so are less effective stain removers at low temps and rely on added stain removers and higher temperatures.

Are non-biological detergents better for sensitive skin?

Not necessarily. If biological detergents are dosed and rinsed correctly there is absolutely no reason they would cause any irritation. Irritation is more commonly caused by bleaching agents, or perfumes contained in detergents or fabric softeners. 

In summary, if you are washing at lower temperatures you will get a better result from a bio detergent and provided this is properly dosed and rinsed there shouldn’t be any issues with skin irritation.

If you are washing at higher temperatures a non-bio detergent would be a better option.

Textile Care Supplies - Est. 1992
Textile Care Supplies
Unit 9, Buko Business Centre
Ashley Road
Southfield Industrial Estate
Glenrothes, Fife